Star Plus – a new product offering from Star Insurance Specialists
1 February 2021

As specialists in the motor insurance market the team at Star are always looking at opportunities to expand our offerings to brokers and clients. We recently became aware of a gap in the market for high risk motor insurance, cover for people who the mainstream insurers might be reluctant to insure.
So we have launched the “Star Plus” product, especially designed for the 19 year old who tells you he needs cover for his turbo Nissan Skyline; the client who wants to earn a little extra cash uber driving, or someone who’s seen the inside of a police car a few times.
Star Plus policies can be quoted by your Key Account Manager on receipt of a full underwriting submission. We can’t promise to accept every risk that comes across our desks, but as specialists in the motor insurance market we’ll try to help you out as best we can.
Vehicles insured on the Star Plus product have a specific policy wording (available on our website) and must be written as a stand-alone annual policy, rather than being added to existing packages.
Some of the benefits of the Star Plus product include;
- Personally rated by our underwriting team taking into account driver’s age; licence type, the power and performance of the vehicle, their location; and any driving convictions or previous claims.
- Cover for all types of vehicles, classic, performance, hobby and everyday cars.
- Market value settlement with automatic private and business use cover
- Automatic Additions and Deletions – up to $75,000 and up to 10 days to notify us
- Trailer cover up to $1500
- Option to add on the Journey On Roadside assistance benefit.
- Option to add on further benefits such as Loss of Use, Signwriting, Pairs & Sets
We hope the Star Plus product will further enchance the offering you can provide to your clients, especially as you seek to atain the insurance porfolio for the children of your existing clients. Your Key Account Mangers will be happy to run though the product in more depth when the visit your offices again in the new year.