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Category: Automotive

CoolCat Hero Automotive

20 February 2024

Formula Ford One Cool Cat

GM hasn’t produced too many cars under the Buick marque of late, but reminiscing about how they used to is a good reason to bring Marin Leusink’s Wildcat out of the shadows. By Mat Mortimer. In the ’60s Buick was butting heads with the Mustang and Thunderbird, Corvette, Impala, and many oth...

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Giugiaro Hero Automotive

20 February 2024

A Giugiaro Great

Italian style, Japanese engineering, and, in some cases, English handling — surely a recipe for success? Yet not. So now you can add another virtue — rarity By Ian Parkes. Photography: High Art Photography. They do say if you can make your passion your work you are pretty lucky. By that definit...

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Cruise Safely Automotive

23 November 2023

Cruise safely into summer

Staying safe on New Zealand roads during the summer, as with any other time of the year, is crucial to ensure your well-being and that of others. Here are some tips to help you stay safe: Obey Speed Limits: Always follow posted speed limits, which are there to keep you and others safe. Drive Sober...

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5D2A6636 Automotive

17 November 2023

Holy Grail: numbers-matching Hemi-powered ’66 Charger

With an immense knowledge of all things Mopar it may come as a surprise that this numbers-matching, Hemi-powered ’66 Charger represents Rodney and Zeta Holland’s first full build of their own, there is no better way it could have come together In 1964, Chrysler created a legend. Its highly effi...

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Maz20 1536x960 Automotive

17 November 2023

Smooth Operator – ’74 Mazda RX-4

Having built a reputation for technologically brilliant and inspirational design, the Mazda management team, which always dared to be different, decided to take its new engine into the mainstream market and take on the fuel crisis of the early ’70s at the same time. It almost worked. By Quinton T...

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1.65283ciImpala Automotive

17 November 2023

Selling Euros, buying dollars

Star Insurance Marketplace: . Ben Selby checks out the perception that our European classics are being sold overseas while the cars coming in are American. In New Zealand, it’s common knowledge that there is borderline obsession with classic Aussie and American cars. With the possible exception ...

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Cover3 Automotive

17 November 2023

Freeth McIntosh Suzukis

Built by hand in Auckland and raced by the late Rodger Freeth, Ken McIntosh’s Suzuki racers took on the best in the world, and won the prestigious Bathurst 500 multiple times. WORDS: Ben Wilkins PHOTOS: Geoff Osborne, John Nisbett. This year saw the final NZCMCR event at Pukekohe, and one New Z...

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gallery 7 1920x1080 Automotive

17 November 2023

"The best cruiser I’ve ridden... bar none".

WORDS: Jock McLauchlan PHOTOS: Geoff Osborne. I know that’s a big statement, but it’s true. Royal Enfield’s Super Meteor 650 is the best cruiser motorcycle I have ever ridden. It is genuinely top fun to ride; a bike that puts a smile on your face for the least obvious reasons… and none of ...

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